Educational Trust (M.E.T.)

Education & Action for Planet Repairs through Transformative Reparations
APPG For Afrikan Reparations (APPGAR)
The MET shares the running of the secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Afrikan Reparations (APPGAR), chaired by Bell Ribeiro-Addy, MP.

The Maangamizi Educational Trust (MET) is dedicated to building narrative and cultural power to move society toward a vision of holistic reparative justice as Planet Repairs for the continuum of the Maangamizi.
Planet Repairs refers to: when safeguarding the rights of past, present and future generations; the need to proceed from a standpoint of Pluriversality that highlights the nexus of Reparatory, Environmental and Cognitive justice in articulating the impetus to repair holistically our relationship with, and inseparability from, Mother Earth, the Environment and the Pluriverse giving due recognition to Indigenous Knowledges in contrast with western-centric Enlightenment ideals that separated Humanity from Nature and thereby justified exploitation for capital accumulation.
In the MET, we build the public imagination and cultural will to counteract the Maangamizi and its pervasive impacts through advancing public education and narrative change which supports taking action to counteract the Maangamizi in the process of effecting and securing holistic reparations; including Planet Repairs.
For colonised and oppressed Peoples, Reparations must more fully address the restoration of sovereignty and self-determination as well as the redistribution of wealth, resources, power and socio-economic harms and grievances on the collective level, rather than only rectification of unjust harms and civil/political rights violations on the individual level.
Transformative reparations emphasise glocal grassroots agency and dignity restoration as well as resources; encourage ground-up leadership and participation in policy and decision-making; address root causes and manifestations of the Maangamizi; and challenge unequal and intersecting power relationships as well as structures of domination and exclusion.
Transformative reparations can therefore contribute to enabling the transformation of groups, communities, and societies out of intergenerational cycles of dispossession, coloniality, impoverishment, discrimination, and exclusion.
*Maangamizi is a Kiswahili term that means the intentional destruction and dispossession of peoplehood, nationhood and relationships to Ancestral Lands that has occurred as a result of the continuum of Afrikan chattel enslavement, colonialism and neocolonialism

Donations or sponsored events - If you would like to support the work of the MET in any of these ways, contact maangamizitrust@gmail.com

There are numerous ways that you can get involved with the MET's programmes and activities, contact maangamizitrust@gmail.com for further info.

The MET was established in 2018. Our aim is to educate members of the public about the Maangamizi and actions that are being taken to stop and redress it.